You can make a difference. 

As a small non-profit, we rely on people just like you to make our adaptive horseback riding lessons happen. There are two ways to get involved: You can make a financial or equipment donation; or you can donate your time by helping during lessons.



Your donation allows us to grow and empower members of our community. Whether it’s a monetary or donating items from our Needs List, your tax deductible donation will go a long way.


We make it easy for you to have a huge impact through our little organization. Whether in a group doing projects on the farm, or as an individual helping with lessons, you will make a difference.


We can only offer our life changing Adaptive Horseback Riding lessons through generous donations of people just like you!
A big Thank You to all of our partners and everyone who have supported us in the last 30 years.

Click below to see additional ways you can support HorseSense: